About Us
Our Mission
Our Company
Our Team

Jessica Bergen-Elliot
Jessica founded Bergen Property Management in 2004. It was her dream to design and renovate homes and provide a new option for rentals in Norman. Her main mission was to provide well maintained homes and an honest and simple leasing process for tenants. By 2010 she had an inventory of 10 homes that had been renovated. She wanted to keep growing and improving and by 2015 had an inventory of almost 50 homes. Jessica, the mother to two wonderful children, Bergen and Maggie, and the wife to Robby, manages multiple business for her family on top of running Bergen Property Management.

Robert Decker
Robert is a jack of all trades man. Since 2010 Robert has been a team player in the Bergen Property Management team. In charge of all maintenance issues as well as
light renovations during the turn over season, Robert is a multitasking pro. Robert enjoys spending time with his dog when he’s not at the lake. His long track record with
Bergen Property Management lends him the ability to know about endless details and quirks of any home.